I'm on the hunt for a frame. You see I'm starting to gather more and more baby pictures. And pet pictures. And I'd like to add a few family pictures too. Normally I like those simple, elegant black with thick white mat frames that hold a 4 x 6 or two. But with all the variety of pictures I've been getting in the mail lately, I'm thinking I need to expand my horizons.
You see, we currently have one of those ribbon boards in the kitchen and I stick photos, business cards, etc up there. And after it gets full I take everything down and start over.
DH, sweetie that he is, has expressed interest in keeping at least one picture of the nephews out. I expressed interest in keeping a photo out of my kids, even if they have four legs and fur.
So we're thinking a picture frame with space for multiple photos...and it must be easily changeable...b/c we'd like to update it as kids grow and families change.
All that said, I'm looking for advice. Do you have a favorite frame? Place to shop for frames?
I'll let you know when we decide on something. :)
Thursday, July 30, 2009
On the Hunt...
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Declutter How To
I tackled the library/extra guestbedroom closet today. This is the closet that used to house all my craft supplies. Can you believe it? Now, it isn't that big....
Now it stores books, magazines and gifts that I purchase well in advance. It also actually has space to *ding* *ding* *ding* hang clothes my guests come!
But as of this morning you couldn't see the floor. I'm sure all those of us who've recently ( I say that but it's been like 8 years) "moved out" will understand this next dilemma. When mom and dad clean out there house and give you all your junk back. Oh. Boy.
This has been going on for a while. and every so often I have a giant need to purge.
So, start with a big bag or box and label it trash. Then have a box for keepsakes. And last, a box for things to keep that do not go in this room.
Ready? Set the timer for 5 minutes (you do have a kitchen timer, right?! So handy!) and get to work. Just pick up the nearest pile and start tossing.
I like to get rid of trash first. It's easy to see what's trash. Envelopes. Packaging. Slips of paper. Boxes. Bags. Olddddddd magazines. You know, trash.
Be hard on yourself. Will you ever use it again? Have you thought of it recently?
I usually come across an item that I've been looking for for a while. Those are the items to keep. Everything else needs to go bye-bye. Toss, donate, sell. Get-rid-of-it.
Your trash is someone else's treasure, so lighten your load.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Corner of a Kitchen
Thought I'd show off a corner of my kitchen. The straw holder used to be hot pink. I gave it a makeover with a special spray paint in a dark brass/bronze color. It looks like hammered metal. Not bad for a $1 purchase from Big Lots ages ago, huh? The clear tube is actually plastic, but you can't tell unless you squeeze it.
The little church inspired birdhouse is actually a little vase. Perfect for one summer flower, don't you think. I think this was a whopping $.69 at my local "junk" store.
And the little Rosemary sign I got at a great little flower nursery over in Birmingham, Alabama. I can't really hang it in a green kitchen, otherwise you can't see the Rosemary. LOL
So this is a quick reminder that it doesn't have to be expensive or perfect to incorporate into your home. You just a) have to love it, and b) be willing to change it up a bit. Spray paint is your friend.
Have a fun project you recently completed? I'd love to see it.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Project Progress
As promised, here's a picture of the tassel I made. Since DH and I enjoy a good bottle of wine, I decided to use a cork. This one has a beautiful leaf detail on it. The colors are olive, champagne, and chocolate. One of the ribbons has merlot poka dots.
The long champagne fringe is a remnant from walmart. As is the green fringe. The ribbons are from Michaels. And the top brown fringe is from Joanns. DH had a ball trying to hunt down the perfect thing. He did good, don't you think?
I used a glue gun and a wood candle cup as a base for the fringe. We're really pleased with the way it came out. I have supplies for one or two more. Just need to pick out a good/pretty cork.
So there you have it. One finished project.
Yesterday, we pressure washed the front porch and the north side of the house. After years of water restrictions the poor house was a tinge green. No more water restrictions so up the ladder I went. And now it's all clean. Whoop!
Today's goal: repaint the front porch. And perhaps tidy the tool bench in the basement.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Another Finish a Project Weekend
We had such good results last weekend that I'm announcing that this weekend is another Finish a Project Weekend.
I finished my tassel last weekend.
And made progress on several other things as well.
Today's goal... pressure wash the porch. If I'm lucky, inspired or Hubby decides to help, I may be able to get the front and side of the house done. Wish me luck!
Friday, July 17, 2009
Finish a Project Weekend
How many projects do you have that need finishing? If you're anything like me, you have a few. Guilty secret, yes. So I'm designating this weekend as Finish a Project Weekend...
Just a few projects I have that need finishing:
I'm making a valance for the laundry room.
I'm also making artwork for the laundry room and I just need to put it all together.
We've been meaning to put down weed killer and fertilizer on the yard... for a month.
I'm a little behind on my summer decorating...eeks.
Oh, and I need SOMETHING to put on my front door. It's nekkid.
And I have a tassel that I need to finish so I can hang it's beautiful self up.
What about you? Any projects to finish?
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Necklace lengths...
One hobby of mine (thanks to my dad) is jewelry making. If you like to make jewlery too, or just wear it, here's an interesting website discussing the lengths of necklaces.
Included lengths:
I'll admit I'm really liking the Opera length lately and am looking to make some necklaces that length. Here's another website with photos rather than drawings. It's discussing pearls (wonderful pearls.) And examples of what to wear with each.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
July Gardening Checklist
It's the middle of summer but that doesn't mean you can't get out in the garden. There's still plenty to do...like work on your tan.
Check out this handy dandy checklist: http://realestate.msn.com/article.aspx?cp-documentid=13108257