Today as I was mopping the master bathroom I noticed that I had a lot of extra "packaging" stored in my linen closet. For instance the piece of cardboard that small hair clips come on. Nevermind the fact that I've used 3/4 of the clips and they're now stored elsewhere... that cardboard was still there. And so was the plastic bag holding lotion samples.
I have one of those over the door shoe organizers for my linen closet door and it stores all sorts of things. Hairspray, lotions, perfume, etc. So the fact that I have any extra packaging in there is...well, dumb. Taking up space.
So today's To Do item is to get rid of superfluous packaging. Be rid of it. Clear out space. Breathe easier my friends. :)
Look for superfluous packaging in your linen closet, pantry, under sinks, around your desk, in your nightstand, the garage, basement and laundry room.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
To Do: Packaging
Note to Self at Christmas time
Love these orange, cranberry, greenery & candle arrangements. Can't wait to make them... late november I'm thinking. ;)
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
More Autumn Inspiration
If you're looking for Autumn Inspiration, check out this collection of pictures.
Do it now
It's that time of year where things are cooling off and I'm not feeling so sluggish...and melted. Which makes me leap into organizing and decorating mode.
With the holidays set to begin any day now (the holiday may be weeks away but there's planning and decorating to be done people) there's lots to be done ahead of time.
So why not get a head start. Out with the old.
This article outlines 5 things that you should get rid of now. And I say, let's do it! I've already started on number one. I have a pile ready to donate in fact.
Leave me a comment and let me know what you got rid of.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
The Fine Art of Letter Writing
I inherited a new piece of furniture this weekend. I'll post a picture later this week.It's a secretary style desk and I've put it in our library. I'm so happy to finally a) have a "letter writing desk" and b) have a desk in the library. And the best part is, I can close it up so all my "stuff" is out of sight.
That said, I decided to see what online resources there are for letter writing and organizing your letter writing supplies. I have great intentions to write more snail mail. Not just birthdays and Christmas, but thank yous, thinking of yous, sympathy, and just because.
All too often I wait until the last minute and an ecard gets sent.
The sad truth is I have a card & special occasion organizer that I made to solve this very problem. I have a sheet protector for each month and a page printed with the numbers of that month. Anniversaries and Birthdays are written out. If I find a card for that person I put it in the sleeve with a Post it attached with a note of who the card is for.
Simple, huh? Yeah... not so much. Remembering to fill the card out, and actually sending seems to be a problem too.
So I'm working on another method to cure this madness. Write out all cards for that month on the first day of the month. If the card gets there a little early, well it's better than not at all...
This article explains how to create a letter writing "kit."
This post talks about keeping in touch and having a place for your stationary.
And this one discusses writing the perfect Christmas Letter. We've done it before and every year I think we should. So get an early start on it this year. I'm planning to start jotting down notes about important events from this year soon.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Pre-weekend Organizing
I thought I'd show off my entry closet since I was so taken with this one over here.
On the top shelf I have two "bushel baskets" that store hats & gloves. They have a touch of Autumn decoration. :) And now they just need cute labels.
Below that are jackets, a hanging shoe rack for my nicer shoes, and below that a shoe rack (from walmart, it's gorgeous dark wood) for everyday shoes.
And on the closet door I have another shoe hangy thing, but this one stores scarves, doggy leashes, flashlights, etc. You can see more Autumn peeking out behind the door. :)
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Last years Thanksgiving Table
More sharies...
Each place setting included a charger, napkin, and apple... complete with "leaf." The leaves of course have everyone's name on them. The little "tent cards" have a piece of Thanksgiving trivia on them...something fun that kept us entertained. The centerpieces are pedestals from Southern Living Home, piled high with apples.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Thanksgiving is a big to-do at our house. Last year we had the family over (instead of traveling... bliss - I think so.)
Thought I'd share our Thanksgiving invite & menu:
Name that Flower
My dh wants to know what this is. We saw it at the Apple festival in Hendersonville, NC a few weeks ago.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Fall Cleaning
I like this list of "Fall Cleaning." Martha is all about getting ready for winter. She's got some great tips for getting your garden ready but Penny has a good list for inside cleaning. I like to think of this time as the "getting ready for the holidays and being hunkered down inside for several months" month. Therefore, you need to do some deep cleaning.
The one thing I'd add to this list is cleaning your trashcans. I like to make sure mine get a good cleaning with baking soda and an old broom (and some strong hose action) once or twice a year.
Check out the list.
Cute Autumn Project
I saw the cutest thing on Our Cozy Nest and of course thought of the perfect spot for something similar in my house... but of course there was the question of "where do I get those?"
Wouldn't you know it... Nicole has instructions for making these sweet little pumpkins on her blog. Thanks Nicole. I'm off to the craft room to put some spare fabric to good(cute) use.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Notes to self
A few projects that I think are cute and I'd love to try my hand at.
Halloween sign, b/c i love signs: (must find bigger stencils)
Boo sign (to go with the harvest sign I made last year:
Adorable Boo pumpkins ( i carved Boo into real pumpkins 2 years ago, these would last longer):
Another cute Boo sign, are you seeing a pattern?
Cute idea for my guestroom:
More inspiration... for your door
Came across another fab blog and another great tutorial for a neat front door decoration.. or back door. Check it out.
Friday, September 12, 2008
A cute closet
Closets are one of those areas that I love to organize... cause i want to be able to find things later. So when I see someone take the time to paint and organize their closet, I say bravo!!!
I need baskets like this in my entry closet!
Fall Fairy and help neede
I need a little help... the fall decoration fairy came to our house last night, but I'm to the point where I want finishing touches put on things... starting with la fireplace.
Love our enormously tall living room. Hate, hate, hate decorating it, painting it, arranging furniture in it, and especially trying to put anything on the fireplace.
Last year I found a huge, beautiful branch in our yard and used it to provide height and color. It worked fabulous. but of course, I don't have the branch anymore. What to do, what to do...
I like the red of the painting up there, so i'm thinking perhaps... ding, ding, a large red painting? lol
Someone save me...
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Window Treatments
Up until now I've gotten buy with basic -crap- curtains from stores like target, walmart and pier one. They're crappy simply b/c they're cheap (which was what i wanted at the time) but over the years they've come apart in places and block out no light. They're basically just there for color. Not pretty-ness. Not to block out light or add privacy. And they don't even add much to the room, much less add the finishing touch.
So I'm on the hunt for curtains for most of my rooms. I can't tell you how exciting it is to scour the web for ideas.
So stay tuned for my "scrapbook" of ideas:
For the basement windows, and possibly the library window: this one
Autumn Inspiration
If you can't tell, I'm in full on Autumn mode... my favorite time of year. I'm worried that I'm so busy I will miss it. So, here are a few of my inspirations.
Pumpkin Wreath
Found it here
An Autumn Porch
Found it here
Autumn Centerpiece
DIY instructions here
Fall Porch/Wreath
Love the urns of gourds and pumpkins. Will have to try that! More info...
from who knows where. Been super busy this year. And rather uninspired... until recently.
Moved my "craft closet" to the basement storage room. Revamped the storage room and now have a "craft room." Still in progress. Still being organized and sorted, oh my. But... I'm so excited. I've already been completing projects I've been "meaning to get to" for...ever! Like the scarecrow who's hat was falling off.... Hot glue gun located, plugged in, and that sucker was fixed. Talk about excited!
And I'm looking forward to Autumn and all sorts of projects, organizing, etc. I've been finding all sorts of wonderful blogs lately. And I really need to link them up so I don't lose them.
A couple of projects I've got my eye on...
* repainting the front door
* adding a new lock and handle to the front door
* getting the house pressure washed
* painting the front porch
* decorating the porch/deck for Autumn
* and making these adorable wreaths!
Instructions here
And this one...
More Information